Reflecting on the Yoga Holiday [anonymous]

November 15, 2014 ~ the plane home from Melaque, Mexico Every year it seems, after a week of activities and meeting new friends, I get a notion to say something about the retreat I’ve attended. Every year is different and every year, it seems, different thoughts...

Sciatic Pain Releif – a four part video series

A common ailment for many people is sciatica – a consistent pain in the lower back and buttocks that may potentially extend down the leg to the foot.  If you experience lower back pain, join Barbara Crompton from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in this four-part series...

Letting Go

Happy fall 2014! I am truly in awe of the light and warmth I have recieved this summer . It seems that I am surrounded by my own dynamic spirit, unusual happenings and questioning yoga students wondering what the future holds and what it will look like. Will it be...

Constance’s Carrot Cake

2 c. whole wheat flour1 1/2 tsp baking powder1 tsp baking soda1 tsp salt1 tsp cinnamon1/2 tsp all spice1/2 c olive oil1 c brown sugar4 eggs2 tsp vanilla6 c grated carrotsgrate all your carrots first and set asidecombine oil, sugar in mixer.  beat eggs in one at a...

Restorative Yoga – 2014.July.25

In my restorative class on Gambier Island this past weekend, here are some of the thoughts I shared: “I believe the very purpose of life is to be happy.  From the very core of our being, we desire contentment.  In my own limited experience I have found that the...