Brain Power at 101

I want to be engaged, alive, excited about keeping memories, experience each moment with clarity and passion for a lucid, active long life.  Here are some tips to potentially keep your brain in working order.  These highlights are from the February 2014 Nutrition...


Pause , breathe , push yourself away from responsibility for 5 minutes……. CONTEMPLATE “Am I enough the way I am today ????” Have you ever felt…”I am not enough”….. society has said it, my Mom and Dad have said it, my...

Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu

Come and join me In celebration of our universe and all living beings in it’s heart. Will Blunderfield sings this thought in his song  “Loka Samasta sukino bhavantu “.  This means…… May the entire universe be filled with peace, joy, love...


On Wednesday, I did a keynote presentation for an AGM at a corporate site. It was the first time doing this where I shared my personal story. The motivator behind my decision to deliver this topic was a TedX video with researcher Brene Brown, a Doctor who researches...


Humility ….pause, breathe and pull yourself away from your computer! Join me for a short ride in examining humility in your life: Humility is a interesting word and I believe it has given humble people a “less than”rap in our society . The synonyms...

Younger Next Year

Younger Next Year by authors Chris Crowley and Harry Lodge is one of the books I live my life by. I highly recommend picking up a copy, but here is my adaptation to get you started.  ~ Barb Barbara has adapted some of the principals from this book and added her own...